At Four Paws Bureau, our four-legged best friends are our priority!
As pet parents ourselves, we place high importance in sourcing only the best for our fur babies. When we say the best, we evaluate a product using different criteria such as country of production, where the ingredients are from, safety of the ingredients as well as if the company is certified etc, coupled with plenty of common sense. For many years, we fed our dogs dry kibble thinking that it was the most nutritious and wholesome option and it didn’t help that they came with super healthy-sounding terms such as ‘grain-free’, ‘fish meal’, etc and came with many unpronounceable but important-sounding words. It was only last year we started doing more research and realised ingredients called ‘chicken meal’ is in fact not ‘chicken meat’ and’fish meal’ is simply not 100% fish meat… you get the idea. When you find out what it actually means, I bet you won’t be impressed and so were we. And the more we searched and researched, we were horrified to know the amount of rubbish that goes into our pet food and treats! So today, we have changed to a home-cooked diet comprising of chicken or beef together with sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins and cauliflower. (We tried raw but our dogs didn’t like them!)
Before we decide on a product, we will try them on our pets first. If it doesn’t pass their taste test, then they are rejected (except for the collars and leashes because they don’t smell delicious!) However, we always need more feedback so as our customers, you are very important to us and we absolutely welcome any suggestions and feedback. Please feel free to contact us via the form below or simply email us!
Pawfully yours,
Sandy & our Chief Tasters, Maia, Siew Mai, Tutti & Frutti!